Vigil: St Charbel Pray for us

Oh, Saint Sharbel, absorbed in God, intercede for me. Oh, Jesus, the most peaceful, you who has raised your beloved Sharbel to biblical perfection, I solemnly ask you to grant me the grace to spend the rest of my life according to your demand. I love you, oh God, my savior. Amen.
Jose AHC Blessed

Click here to light a candle and add your own intention.

Candle Holder
Candle Flame Candle Body


Candle Holder
Candle Flame Candle Body

  • Aisling
  • Ireland
  • Jan 22

Candle Holder
Candle Flame Candle Body
My kids

My kids

Candle Holder
Candle Flame Candle Body

Please St Charbel be with my kids today. Help them in their exams. In the name of Jesus . 🙏🏼

  • J
  • Canada
  • Jan 22

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