About Us

Aid to the Church in Need is a papal organization helping suffering and persecuted faithful worldwide since 1947.

As the voice of the suffering Church and with the help of our ACN family of faithful, we reach out to assist people in need in over 145 countries. Each year, we fulfill more than 5,000 projects through our spiritual and material aid programs.

Please pause for a moment in silent reflection before lighting your candle, a ritual existing in the Church since the catacombs of ancient Rome to express prayerful trust in the power of Christ. Candles are lit to show forth a sign of joyful devotion.

When you light a candle in one of our chapels, your name will be placed on our prayer intentions list which is sent to Contemplative Sisters in Eastern Europe and Latin America. You and your intentions will be remembered in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament by our Sisters each month.